Posted: December 02, 2015
Today’s children face more threats and dangers than at any other time in history. Never mind the crowded streets, dangerous criminals, unhealthy snacks, excessive time in front of the television, and other problems both direct and indirect. One of the most serious problems the youth of today face is the threat of bullying. From kindergarten through high school, children of all ages face bullies on a daily basis. So what are the best steps for defending yourself against a bully? Here are the top 5 ways your kids can avoid a bully:
1) Don’t let them stand out. Bullies are like animals attracted to weak prey or bright colors. In other words, bullies look for easy or obvious targets. If your child wants to avoid being bullied, make sure you talk to them about not being obnoxious, rude, extravagant, or loud at school. Being known for something obnoxious at school (like squirting milk out of his or her nose every lunch period) is a sure way to attract both good and bad attention.
2) Ignore bullies. As simple as that sounds, it really works. While that does not mean your kids should ignore someone in need of immediate help (and not call a teacher if another child is being bullied), it does mean they should ignore any remarks bullies make. Bullies live for reactions, and if your child doesn’t react, the bully will probably move on.
3) If your child is dealing with a bully problem, make sure they speak to teachers and other adults at school. School initiatives, programs, and assistance are usually available. While it won’t stop every act of bullying, it will certainly help.
4) Learn self-defense. Fighting should usually be a last resort in any situation. But if bullying does become physical, it’s important for your child to know how to defend themselves. There are plenty of great Taekwondo and other martial arts classes throughout Atlanta, Georgia, all of which will help your child learn to stay safe in an emergency.
5) Last but not least, teach your children to be vigilant, aware, and proactive. At Karate Atlanta, we can teach your children to defend themselves, but being aware of dangerous situations and avoiding them to begin with is just as important.